SQU_AIChE Society


Industrial Training Courses:

Two mandatory Industrial Training courses are also part of the College requirement. In Training I, students get a 2-week in-house training in their third year, during the break between the fall and spring semesters (In the month of January). In the PCE Department, this training is in the form of laboratory projects that are conducted in the chemical engineering laboratories. Training II is planned in the summer after the students complete their fourth year. For a period of 8 weeks, the students receive training from a private company or government ministry related to their specialization. A number of students receive their summer training abroad through collaboration agreements with international parties or through International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). The student, supervised by the training organization, has to submit a report to his/her program at the end of the training period. The industrial training program is coordinated by the Assistant Dean for Industrial Training and Community Services.